Exclusive Leads

Highly Qualified Sales Leads, Sold One Time.

Exclusive Leads2019-01-03T17:30:22+00:00

Why Buy Exclusive Leads?

Exclusivity brings quality and conversion but you have to be confident in your funnel.

Who should buy exclusive leads?

The exclusive lead product from Cege is perfect for an insurance agency or an independent agent looking for a highly qualified prospect. These leads are intended to be nurtured and high-touch follow up.

Cege offers exclusive leads across primary insurance verticals including Auto Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Medicare and Homeowners Insurance. We offer tracking on our leads to ensure exclusivity.

Live Transfers

Pre-qualified consumers with a warm hand-off to you sales agents.

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Click Traffic

Highly targeted traffic delivering insurance shoppers to your site.

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Pay Per Call

Consumer initiated calls with 100% contact rate.

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Shared Leads

Same quality of an exclusive lead but at a fraction of the cost.

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